Advanced Data Warehousing

Jun 12, 2024

Snowflake JMeter Load & Concurrency Test

Ensuring the scalability and performance of your Snowflake data warehouse under heavy workloads is crucial for mission-critical applications. Apache JMeter, a popular open-source load testing tool, empowers you to simulate concurrent user activity and assess how Snowflake responds under pressure. This process not only validates your warehouse's resilience but also provides insights for optimization.

Why Concurrency Testing Matters for Snowflake

  • Identifying Bottlenecks: Concurrency testing helps pinpoint performance bottlenecks in your data pipelines, queries, or resource utilization.

  • Capacity Planning: By understanding how Snowflake scales with increased load, you can plan for future growth and ensure optimal resource allocation.

  • Performance Validation: Verify that your data warehouse meets performance Service Level Agreements (SLAs) even during peak usage.

  • Optimizing Costs: Identify opportunities to optimize your Snowflake warehouse configuration, potentially reducing unnecessary costs.

Multi-Cluster in Snowflake

In Snowflake, a cluster is a set of compute resources dedicated to processing queries within a virtual warehouse. A multi-cluster warehouse consists of multiple independent clusters that work together to handle a larger volume of concurrent queries. Each cluster in a multi-cluster warehouse can process a limited number of queries simultaneously (e.g., 16 for most sizes, 8 for XS), providing scalability by automatically adding or removing clusters as needed to handle varying workloads.

A node, on the other hand, is a more granular unit of compute within a single cluster. Each cluster is composed of multiple nodes, and the number of nodes determines the overall processing power of that cluster. Snowflake automatically manages the allocation of nodes within a cluster based on the warehouse size and the workload. (consult the snowflake documentation for more details). 

Snowflake offers two scaling policies for multi-cluster warehouses:

  • Standard: Prioritizes fast query execution by spinning up additional clusters quickly, potentially consuming more credits.

  • Economy: Prioritizes credit conservation by keeping existing clusters fully utilized before starting new ones.

This choice allows you to tailor the warehouse behavior to your specific performance and cost requirements, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

Setting Up Your JMeter Environment

1. Install Prerequisites:

Ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:


brew install --cask adoptopenjdk  # Install OpenJDK (required for JMeter)
brew install jmeter                # Install JMeter

2. Download the Snowflake JDBC Driver:


cd /Users/frunde/Downloads/apache-jmeter-5.6.3/lib
curl -O

Replace 3.16.1 with the latest version if needed.

3. Start JMeter:



Creating a JMeter Test Plan

  1. Add a Thread Group: This defines how many simulated users will be interacting with Snowflake concurrently.

  2. Add a JDBC Connection Configuration: Configure the connection details (URL, username, password) for your Snowflake account.

  3. Add JDBC Sampler(s): Create one or more JDBC Sampler elements to represent the SQL queries or workloads you want to test. Parameterize the queries to simulate varied user behavior if necessary.

  4. Add Listeners: Use listeners like the "View Results Tree" and "Aggregate Report" to collect and analyze test results.

Running the Test and Analyzing Results

  1. Execute the Test Plan: Click "Start" in JMeter to begin the test.

  2. Monitor Snowflake: Observe Snowflake's behavior using Snowsight or the QUERY_HISTORY view to track query execution times, resource usage, and any potential errors. You can also monitor how Snowflake's auto-scaling feature adjusts resources based on demand.

  3. Analyze JMeter Results: Examine the listeners in JMeter to view response times, throughput, and any errors encountered during the test. This data can help you identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Observing Snowflake Multi-Cluster Scaling

Before the test, observe MCW is set up on the Warehouse with Max Scale factor of 10. And the warehouse has no active clusters.   

During the test, if your Snowflake account is configured for multi-cluster scaling, you should see additional clusters being provisioned as the workload increases. 

This dynamic scaling allows Snowflake to seamlessly handle spikes in demand and maintain consistent performance. You can visualize this scaling behavior in Snowsight or by querying system views like WAREHOUSES and CLUSTERS.

After the test, warehouse are scaled back seamlessly with no active clusters:

Benefits of Concurrency Testing and Auto-Scaling

  • Real-World Simulation: JMeter simulates real-world workloads, helping you understand how your Snowflake environment will perform under pressure.

  • Optimized Performance: Identifying bottlenecks allows you to fine-tune your queries, data models, and warehouse configurations for better performance.

  • Cost Control: By ensuring that Snowflake scales appropriately, you can avoid overprovisioning resources and minimize costs.

  • Reliability and Availability: Validating your system's resilience under heavy load ensures it can handle spikes in demand without downtime.

Concurrency testing with JMeter is an essential tool for ensuring that your Snowflake data warehouse is reliable, scalable, and cost-effective. By proactively identifying and addressing performance issues, you can confidently deploy your data-driven applications to production.

Additional Tips:

  • Start with a small number of simulated users and gradually increase the load to observe how Snowflake scales.

  • Consider using JMeter plugins for more advanced load testing scenarios (e.g., ramp-up time, variable workloads).

  • Analyze the results carefully to identify the root cause of any performance issues or bottlenecks.


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